Personally, I originally used pandoc with Scrivener 1 in order for me to assign styles when compiling to docx. Under Formatting, check the Title checkboxes for every level if you want all to be part of your document (see second screenshot). Change Compile For: Print at the bottom to Compile For: MultiMarkdown -> LaTeX.
Which one you chose somewhat depends on how much you want to use Scrivener to format text or prefer to use pandoc's capabilities. In Scrivener, head over to File->Compile. Learn how to set up, organize, write, format, revise, and compile a Scrivener project in Scrivener for Mac version 2 and Scrivener for Windows version 1. Alternatively, compile to multimardown and then convert it yourself using pandoc. You can do some really clever stuff by getting scrivener to generate the more tedious markdown syntax using styles or using post-processing scripts. This will unlock some additional compile options in which the document will first compile to markdown before using pandoc's engine to convert to other formats.

In Scrivener, enter five asterisks on a line by themselves.

For example, the Markdown tag for a horizontal rule is five asterisks. Then go to the Format menu and select Preserve Formatting. To do this, select the text containing Markdown or HTML tags. If you want more robust mardown support, consider installing pandoc. Fortunately, Scrivener lets you embed Markdown and HTML tags directly in your content. docx in Microsoft Word and fix up any formatting issues. I haven't tested it myself, but if the only markdown you are using is bold and italics, that should probably do the trick. How to write in Scrivener and display in HTML, Markdown, ODT, or Doc and keep the.
There is an option in docx/rtf compile (and probably some other formats) which says "convert multimarkdown to richtext in text in notes and texts" (look in Scrivener manual for where that is located). It gives you what you need to research, compose, reorganize, and edit your writing for a low price. Yes, scrivener plays pretty well with markdown. For long-form works, Scrivener is the best writing app on the market.