I have put 200 plus dollars into this game, and 100's. Left to right: Farfalla, Time Machine, Devil Riders, Magic Castle, Robot, Clown, Pinball Champ, Soccer Kings. So so I am putting as much info as possible so the developers can fix it. Fall 2004 - Just prior to Pinball Expo 2004 in Mike Nogles basement.

I understand the complicated nature of these problems. So once she asks me to play the tutorial which I have done or not, I choose skip that, and that is where the problems begin. She still always asks me whether or not to go though the tutorial, and I have tried both yes and no, and there is a crazy maybe two minute loading time before I get to the next thing.But whenever I start a table, it all goes to shit. Just some further information it loads up fine until tutorial lady comes up, and I tried to switch that off, but whatever. Once I get a good game running, there is no chance to finish the table. It is at the point that I cannot finish a game of Pinball unless I do super poorly and am out in less then a few minutes. So I just want to see if that is an isolated thing, or others are experiencing similar problems. On any table I have tried, whenever you hit a big animation it skips, and the game eventually crashes. It is completely unplayable for me right now on my Xbox One S. I uninstalled the game, reimported all of the tables, and again the same thing. And that took me through the FX original non licensed tables, but once I got to Jaws which is the second of the Universal tables, everytime I hit the ball into a major animation sequence, the game would hang for a second, the ball would teleport to where it would have been if I that lost visual had not occurred.

So I played through each table just once, just to get a base score.
And then I purchased the Universal Movie pack so that I had all the tables. Importing and reinstalling tables was not exactly user friendly, but I got through that process. So the first day, a day after launch it was fine. So I am having big problems with the game, and after uninstalling it and reinstalling the problems persist.